Common Filipino Phrases #2: Greetings

Apr 21

Happy Birthday! Maligayang Kaarawan!
Merry Christmas! Maligayang Pasko!
Congratulations! Binabati kita!
God Bless You! Pagpalain ka ng Diyos!
Take Care. Ingat.
Good morning! Magandang umaga!
Good day! Magandang araw!
Good afternoon! Magandang hapon!
Good evening! Magandang gabi!
Welcome! {There`s no literal translation to this in Filipino… but Mabuhay! which means Long Live! is used when welcoming guests. But Mabuhay can only be used when someone arrives to the Philippines or on a Philippine city or town. It wold be hilarious to say that in a household or office setting.

Tip: {The first four phrases} Filipinos don`t usually use the Filipino counterparts of these Engilsh greetings. They usually say in English. However, the Filipino translation is commonly seen in print ads and on television, so it`s still good to know.
{The Last Five greeting}


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